The Government of Andhra Pradesh, by GO Ms.No.21 dated 18th May 2007, Backward Classes (CZ) Department, entrusted to me the task of preparing and submitting a report on the identification of Socially and Educationally Backward Classes in the Muslim population, taking note of the judgment of the Hon’ble Andhra Pradesh High Court in W.P. 832 etc., read with the judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the Mandal Case (Indra Sawhney) and the subsequent developments, and further materials and facts since available, so that necessary measures can be undertaken to widen opportunities for them in various schemes, including, particularly, educational institutions and public employment. In view of my close association stretching over the last more than five decades in Andhra Pradesh, as well as all over India in various capacities—governmental, non-governmental, and post-governmental—and in view of my commitment to the cause of social justice and to the state and people of Andhra Pradesh, I have been part of, during most of my lifetime, I have accepted this task as a privilege. I am grateful to the Government of Andhra Pradesh for having acceded to my wish not to receive any remuneration for this work and for providing all possible facilities. The relevant antecedent events are well-known and do not need recapitulation here.

Andhra Pradesh has a long tradition of social justice directed towards the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and the Backward Classes (Socially and Educationally Backward Classes/Other Backward Classes), including the Backward Classes belonging to the Minorities. The State, its leadership, its administration, its institutions, its non-governmental organizations, and activists have a history of devoted service to this cause in the light of paramount human and social values and in keeping with the constitutional mandates and principles. I have been a part of this mission in the State and at the all-India level. Apart from holding posts such as Sub-Collector, District Collector, etc., in Andhra Pradesh in the 1950s, I have gained specialized experience and knowledge covering the whole country in posts in the Government of India relating to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Backward Classes, like Joint Secretary in the Home Ministry with the portfolio of Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes, Special Commissioner for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the constitutional machinery under Article 338, Secretary, Ministry of Welfare (when in 1990 the Mandal Commission’s Report was processed for decision and the affidavits and other materials were prepared for the Mandal (Indra Sawhney) case), and after my retirement, Member of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Member of the Expert Committee on Backward Classes appointed to formulate the criteria for identifying Socially Advanced Persons/Sections of Backward Classes in light of the Supreme Court’s directions and observations and for preparation of the Central (Common) Lists of Backward Classes, Member-Secretary, National Commission for Backward Classes, etc., altogether spanning more than half a century. During these periods, I have been Chairman of the Planning Commission’s Working Groups on the Development and Empowerment of Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes in different Plan periods. During all this time, I have been associated with, participated in, and guided voluntary and non-governmental work for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes including those belonging to the Minorities, and other Weaker Sections in Andhra Pradesh as well as other parts of the country. I hope the experience, knowledge, and perceptions I have gained in this process at the State level as well as the all-India level will be of practical and constructive use in the present task.